Wednesday, May 14, 2008



I know what you’re probably thinking; why in the world would I want to pay money for a workshop on Linked In? Especially being unemployed. What good is it going to do me?

Well, you want to find a job faster don’t you? You want to make it easier for recruiters to find you don’t you? You want to learn some skills that you can use in your new job don’t you? Well, then invest in yourself and Leverage Linked In for yourself!

First of all, let me tell you that, yes, Linked In is easy and you can do it without training. I’m sure you could also put together a swing set and a barbeque without looking at the instructions but why would you want to? It’s like most things, you can stumble through it on your own and you’ll figure it out eventually OR you can invest an afternoon in yourself and have it all handed to you in a hands-on workshop.

What Alan Case and Integrated Alliances is offering to do is to immerse you in Linked In for a single afternoon. It’s a hands-on workshop where we encourage you to bring your laptop computer (if you have one) and use what you learn right away while you’re in the workshop. Hands on means hands on!

We’ll go over the three pillars of Linked In – Profiles, Networks, and Searching. We’ll teach you how to build a PROFILE to show your potential and what you’re looking for. We’ll make you “Search Engine Optimized” and tell you what that means. We’ll give you copywriting tips and best practices to make you look as good as you really are.

Then we’ll go over building your NETWORK. How to invite people to connect to you? Who to invite and why? Who not to connect to? We’ll have tons of tips so that you can build your online network quickly and efficiently. Heck, you might even add 100,000+ connections just by connecting to myself (Alan Case), or Mike O’Neil. You’ll be doing it in the class so you’ll see the results before you leave.

Then we’ll turn to SEARCHING your network. What can you search for? How to search? We’ll give you tips we’ve found that make this all work faster and more efficiently. You will be “wowed” by the power of Linked In as you discover things you never would have thought of but you will do it effortlessly.

We’ll then tie the profile, the network and the searching together with a concluding discussion on the future of Linked In, the different account types, and even more power users tips to really leverage Linked In.

Now here’s the best part, a DISCOUNTED PRICE FOR JOB HUNTERS! Yes, you read that right. Integrated Alliances is extending a discounted price off the normal workshop price of $69.00 to Job Hunters for this special workshop is $49.00

For only $49.00, here’s what you get:
1) 3-1/2 hours of hands-on training on Linked In
2) Handouts for the class
3) Templates for inviting people to connect to you on Linked In

Please go NOW to and click on the Linked In for Job Hunters Workshop. You will get more information and be able to register right there online easily and effortlessly.

Please do go ahead and register now, as seating is limited. We’ll email you the handouts and templates before the workshop to all registered attendees. If you don’t pre-register then you don’t get the templates & handouts and there might not be a seat for you. So register NOW!

Here’s a little bit more information on the workshop that I’ll be leading personally on Friday May 16th. I hope to see you there. – Alan Case, The Marketing Maverick

Friday May 16th, 2008 – 1:00/1:30 PM to 5:00 PM

LinkedIn for Job Hunters Workshop’s offices – Downtown Denver

● Workshop Facilitator: ALAN CASE
● NOTE: Registration opens at 1:00 pm and the workshop begins at 1:30 pm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Job Searcher class was great. I thought I knew a lot about using LinkedIn for a job search, but I came away with a lot of information from this class. Anyone who wants to improve their job search would benefit from the time spent here.